

产品: 转向横拉杆球头


车型: 豪沃
品牌: 中国重汽
单价: 25.00元/件
所在地: 山东 济南市 时代总部基地
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-10-28 08:20
浏览次数: 1044
服务条款 本公司专业从事德龙F2000.F3000、奥龙A7系列、AC16桥、小飞龙等重型汽车配件是一家集生产、批发、售后服务为一体的实体企业。
济南华鲁信业汽车配件销售有限公司,前身济南华鲁汽车配件铸造厂始建于2003年,坐落于章丘区相公镇工业园区,厂区占地面积1.5万平方米,有员工60余名,具有实力强劲的设计、研发团队和经验丰富的一线专业技术骨干队伍机加工则以流水线生产作业为主,并配置数控加工中心、数控万能铣床、数控车床等多种高精设备。我公司坚持服务第一,保证产品质量。讲究企业信誉,力求客户满意”公司宗旨。本着以客户需求为向导,以高新技术为基础,以优秀的质量为保证,以可靠的信誉为保障,设备先进,技术力量雄厚,本着“选择精良配套,制造卓越品牌”的经营方针.本公司专业从事重汽斯太尔(王)、豪沃、金王子、豪运、豪骏、德龙F2000.F3000。奥龙A7系列、AC16桥、小飞龙等重型汽车配件是一家集生产、批发、售后服务为一体的实体企业。本公司承蒙广大用户的支持,将以“质量第一,诚信为本,”的经营理念,产品享有极好的信誉,可靠的质量、及时的供货、周到的服务,深受国内外用户的广泛青睐。以“优质的产品,优质的服务,低位的价格”与您携手共赢! 公司董事长刘贵海携全体员工热忱欢迎海内外新老客户的光临!

“ 诚信、求实、创新、双赢”

The precursor of JINAN HUALUXINYE AUTO PARTS CO.,LTD. is JINAN HUALUXINYE AUTO PARTS CASTING FACTORY, which is first built in 2003, located in Industrial Park, Xianggong Town, Zhangqiu City. Its acreage is 15000 square meters. It owns more than 60 employees, the powerful design, the product development team, and the experienced specialized technology backbone troop, so it gives priority to the assembly line production assignments and equips with a variety of high precision equipments, including CNC machine centre, CNC universal milling machine, CNC lathes and so on. We adhere to the "service first, uphold the quality of the products, pay attention credibility and ensure the customer satisfaction” principle. We regard the customer demand as our guide, the high and new technology as the foundation, the excellent quality as the guarantee and the reliable credit as the security. We possess advanced production equipment and solid technical force. With “ choosing well-equipped instruments, creating excellence brand ” management policies, the company professionally works on SINOTRUK STEYR, STEYR KING, HOWO, JWZ, HOYUN, HOCHUN, DELONG F2000/F3000. SINOTRUK AUTO PARTS, for example, Orlon series A7, Dragon…, is entity enterprise which sets production, wholesale, and after-sales service as one. Our company is due to support of the masses of users, and also adheres to " honesty, quality first " business philosophy; therefore products enjoy an excellent reputation. Reliable quality, timely delivery, considerate service, are widely favored by domestic and international customer deeply. With "high quality products, the high quality service, the low price" with your cooperation! The chairman of the company Guihai liu together with all the staff, warmly welcome new and old customers at home and abroad to come!!!

"Honest, practical, innovative and win-win"

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