
HD90009430006 转向横拉杆

济南向前汽车配件有限公司供应HD90009430006 转向横拉杆【HD90009430006】,价格150.00元/件,下面是详细参数及照片。
HD90009430006,Steering lever,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
HD90009430006,Steering lever,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
产品: Steering lever


品牌: Forward
WEIGHT: 11.3kg
单价: 150.00元/件
所在地: 山东 济南市 山东济南泉利重配城
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-11-01 11:20
浏览次数: 445
服务条款 豪沃发动机总成
HD90009430006,Steering lever,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
 The purpose of the car tie rod is to link the two rear wheels of the car to an important connector, connecting the left and right steering arm, one can make the two wheels synchronized, two can adjust the front beam, is also an important part to ensure the safety of the car.


Split steering pull rod joint

In order to reduce the after-sales maintenance cost of users and meet the market demand, the steering rod joints assembled by Shaanxi Sinotruck vehicles are split. There are 54 steering rod assemblies involved this time, and the supplier code is 5010043. The corresponding relationship between steering rod assemblies and joints is shown in the attachment.


Since the date of the notice, the accessories company can supply the joint products in the attached table. Each unit is requested to submit the accessories plan according to the local model holding quantity and the minimum packing unit of the accessories, and give priority to the use of the disassembled accessories according to the actual maintenance needs.


If you have any questions, please call the Accessories technology Department at 029-86955808.


Accessories: Correspondence between steering rod assembly and joints.

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