
DZ13241845032 空调皮带

济南向前汽车配件有限公司供应DZ13241845032 空调皮带【DZ13241845032】,价格18.00元/件,下面是详细参数及照片。
DZ13241845032,Air conditioning belt,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
DZ13241845032,Air conditioning belt,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
产品: Air conditioning belt


车型: SHACMAN F3000
品牌: Forward
SIZE: 4PK1130
Weight: 0.067kg
单价: 18.00元/件
所在地: 山东 济南市 山东济南泉利重配城
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-11-01 11:20
浏览次数: 155
服务条款 豪沃发动机总成
DZ13241845032,Air conditioning belt,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
 Loose car air conditioning belt will lead to belt skid, belt skid engine will not move air conditioning compressor, will lead to car air conditioning does not refrigerate. The car air conditioning belt is loose and must be adjusted or replaced in time so as not to affect the normal use of the car air conditioning.
Multi-wedge belt, also known as air conditioning belt, its role is to drive the generator, air conditioning compressor, steering booster pump, hanging on the crankshaft belt disc, the air conditioning belt tightening wheel tighten. When this belt is damaged, the power booster will feel heavy and there will be no steering power. If the air conditioner is turned on, the air conditioner compressor does not start, so it cannot be cooled.

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