Is located in the bottom of the car engine oil pan, can tear open outfit, it is sealed the crankcase storage tank shell, therefore also somebody called the oil sump crank case, it can prevent impurities from entering the crankcase, also can flow back to the surface of the collection and storage of diesel engine friction lubricating oil, also can part of heat disperse, still can prevent the oxidation of the lubricating oil.
2. Wet oil pan
Can also be divided into several kinds of oil pan, wet sump is a common, the oil sump of engine crankshaft in with the big end of the crankshaft rotates, each week will be immersed in the oil sump oil one, can have obvious lubrication effect, crankshaft during high speed also will reduce the lubricating oil, bush also has certain lubrication, When using this kind of oil sump, the amount of lubricating oil inside is required.
3. Dry oil sump
Dry sump more appeared on the premium car, it can make the engine's centre of gravity is reduced, also can improve handling, this usually does not need to add lubricating oil in the oil pan, engine crankshaft and connecting rod crank movement need lubricant between does not need to be done through to the oil pan, which has holes inside the machine, can in time for the crankshaft, the oil sump are relatively rare in life, Material is good, the price of replacement is relatively high.