
WG9725360851 空气处理单元

济南向前汽车配件有限公司供应WG9725360851 空气处理单元【WG9725360851】,价格700.00元/件,下面是详细参数及照片。
WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
产品: Air handling unit


品牌: Forward
models: Howe dock tractor
Weight: 4.5kg
单价: 700.00元/件
所在地: 山东 济南市 山东济南泉利重配城
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-11-01 11:16
浏览次数: 541
服务条款 豪沃发动机总成
WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司 WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司 WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司 WG9725360851,Air handling unit,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
 1, the function of liquid storage: liquid storage is used to store and supply the liquid refrigerant in the refrigeration system, so as to compensate and adjust the profit and loss of liquid refrigerant when the working condition changes.
Generally speaking, the load when the air conditioning system begins to work is large, and the circulation quantity of refrigerant is also large. After working for a period of time,
the load will be reduced, and the refrigeration dose required at this time will be reduced accordingly.

 2, filtration: each part of the refrigeration system should be strictly cleaned and dried before leaving the factory, but when installing the pipeline, it may not pay attention to the dirt into the pipeline, the pipeline may also produce dirt,
such as oxide scale, refrigerant itself is not so clean, the compressor running powder and so on.

 3, drying effect: used to absorb the water in Freon. Principle of automobile drier: automobile air drier is generally appeared in large buses or trucks, because the brake of these cars are required to use high pressure air brake.
The main role of the dryer is to be used to dry water in the high-pressure air, to avoid water in the air and corrosion of brake parts. There is a heating rod in the drying tank, which is automatically controlled. Generally,
when the temperature is lower than 5 degrees, the heating rod of the dryer works to dry the moisture in the high-pressure air

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