
AZ9100340066 刹车间隙自动调整臂(左)

济南向前汽车配件有限公司供应AZ9100340066 刹车间隙自动调整臂(左)【AZ9100340066】,价格面议,下面是详细参数及照片。
AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司
AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司
产品: Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left)


品牌: Forward
models: HDM300
Size: 300*180*70mm
Weight: 3kg
单价: 面议
所在地: 山东 济南市 山东济南泉利重配城
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-11-01 11:20
浏览次数: 424
服务条款 豪沃发动机总成
AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司 AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司 AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司 AZ9100340066,Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left),济南向前汽车配件有限公司
 1. The function of the adjusting arm is to adjust the brake clearance of the brake, which refers to the adjustment of the clearance between the brake hub and the brake shoe. Frequent braking in the use of the car will lead to continuous wear of the brake components, resulting in the increase of the gap between the brake hub and the shoe to varying degrees, resulting in pedal stroke lengthening, brake chamber thrust decreased. Braking lag and braking force reduction. In order to ensure the safety of the vehicle, maintain the relative stability of pedal travel and the balance of work between the brakes, it is necessary to adjust the brake clearance to adjust and control the braking function and sensitivity.

2. According to the adjusted way to break up dynamic and automatic. In order to produce automobile axles specialized hubei axles according to the market demand and installation of different adjustment arm.

Manual arm adjustment, that is, when the vehicle driving a certain distance, there will be brake wear and brake clearance increase, need to manually adjust to ensure brake clearance. Due to the untimely and random adjustment of manual adjustment, it may lead to inconsistent clearances between brakes, prolonged braking response time, wheel deviation, vehicle tail slinging and even braking failure.

Automatic arm adjustment can ensure that each wheel has a constant and consistent brake clearance, so that the whole vehicle braking more sensitive. Balanced. Effective. Shorten the braking distance, even if the wheel brake shoe thickness is not consistent, wear degree is different, also can ensure the best performance of braking.

AZ9100340066    Brake clearance automatic adjustment arm (left)  HANDE  Drive axle HDM300  CNHTC  AC16

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